By state law, and for safety reasons, oral medications (including over the counter medicines such as Aspirin, Tylenol, cold and allergy medications, cough drops, etc.) can be given at school only with specific written directions from a licensed health professional and with a signed request from you, as the parent or guardian. Forms are available at the school office. Please complete, sign and return these forms to the school.
Medications should be brought to the school by the parent or guardian in the original container and properly labeled with the student’s name, medication, dosage and instruction. A two week supply of medications is suggested. If a tablet must be divided to obtain the correct dosage, the pharmacist should be asked when filling the prescription.
Medications inhaled through the mouth (asthma inhalers) are considered oral medication. All other medications other than oral, such as ointments, eye or ear drops, suppositories or injections, cannot be given at school. The exception is epinephrine injection to prevent anaphylactic shock in students with known sensitivity to bee stings, food, etc.
If at all possible, you are asked to adjust the timing of your child’s medication so it can be taken other than during school hours.
For disaster planning, if your child has a chronic health concern (allergy, asthma, diabetes, seizure disorder, etc.) please complete a medication dosage form for giving medications 24 hours a day in case of emergency. It would be in your child’s best interest to supply the school with a three day supply of medication for emergency use (i.e. earthquakes).
For field trip planning, all requirements above apply to day or overnight field trips. If a parent accompanies his/her child on a field trip, that parent may give his/her child medication.
At the end of the school year all medications must be picked up by the parent. Medications not picked up will be counted by two school district staff, disposed of, and recorded.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school nurse at 532-3128. Thank you.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for monthly head lice checks. If this is of interest to you, please contact the school office at 532-3128.